

Upcoming Events

San Diego Annual Conference

Come join us for an incredible 3 day session of education, networking, and fun! Our annual conference held in San Diego this winter promises to be our best attended conference yet, full of incredible new educational material and ground breaking thought leaders in the association space. Don't miss out!

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LMS Course Pro

Fundamentals of LMS Pro

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LMS Course

Fundamentals of LMS Course

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IAPAE's Mentoring Programs

IAPAE has established two separate and distinct mentoring programs. One program is geared towards Students & Interns, and the other program is geared towards Professionals & Retired. 

Professionals & Retired Program

Students & Interns Program

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Get Started Volunteering

IAPAE's Volunteer Program

The IAPAE Cares program, established in 2011, is dedicated to bringing about positive change in the communities we serve. Our goal with our new volunteer management system is to capture all of our volunteer opportunities and establish a simple process for engaging volunteers through the IAPAE website.

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